Climox Breaker
'chops your breaks the eazy way'

Friendly not-so-small-print

Version 1.0 (c) 2000 Joost Diepenmaat - To be enjoyed and copied freely.
Without any warranties and with some bugs - see Things to do section at the bottom.


The Climox Breaker can be defined in several ways:

  1. The Climox Breaker is a buzz generator/drum machine for chopping up long breakbeats.
  2. The Climox Breaker is the third Buzz Generator by Joost Diepenmaat, but the first to be released because of some finetuning that needs to be done on the other two.
  3. The Climox Breaker is a quick hack. (But it does what it's supposed to do, so who cares?).

Commands / sliders in the Climox Breaker:

	Command          |Description                             |Range
	Volume:          |Sets main volume                        |00 - fe (0-99%).
	Wave Number:     |Selects wave from wavetable             |01 - c8.
	Particle Size:   |Sets particle size in number of samples |01 - ffff.
	Tuning:          |Adjust playback speed/Tune sample       |00 - fffe (50-199%).
	Track Volume:    |Sets track volume                       |01 - ff (0-100%).
	Play Length:     |Number of particles to play             |00 (all)/ 01 - fe.
	Particle Number: |Trigger play from particle number x     |00 - fd. (fe = stop).

Getting started

Here is a quick way to set the particle size to a useful value:
  1. Select Climox Breaker from the Generator menu.
  2. Load your favourite drumbreak into the wavetable.
  3. Open the pattern-editor for the Climox Breaker, and set the wave number to your sample and the particle to 00.
    First line will look like this:
    ..  01 .... .... .. .. 00
  4. Loop the pattern, and tune the wave till it plays in the correct speed.
  5. Now enter the pattern-editor again and set the particle number to 08 at line number 08.
  6. Adjust the particle-size till the break plays correctly again. (Use the pattern editor for best precision.)
  7. That's it! All the particles are excactly 1/16th bar now. You can start chopping away.

Things to do

Upcoming projects

Joost 'Climox' Diepenmaat